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Tougher legislation on metal theft
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Changes to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Act will outlaw all cash transactions at metal recycling yards across England and Wales... Read more
Customer satisfaction survey
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
Officers from Tower Hamlets Partnership Task Force have been trialling a customer satisfaction survey linked to stop and search on the streets. Every member of... Read more
Soaring to new heights
Thursday, 25 October, 2012
The beginning of October saw officers from the Met's Air Support Unit land in Regents Park in a unique opportunity for London residents to meet... Read more
20% off Optical Express Laser Eye Surgery for Police employees and families
Wednesday, 17 October, 2012
Optical Express - Laser Eye Surgery 20% off for Police employees and their families This time-limited offer will revert back to 10% on 1st January,... Read more
Members matter to Credit Unions working Worldwide
Wednesday, 10 October, 2012
On 18 October 2012, there were celebrations around the world for International Credit Union Day, coinciding with the International Year of the Co-operatives. Whereas they... Read more
National Knockout Final 2012
Monday, 08 October, 2012
The combined South Wales & Gwent team secured a comfortable victory by 65 runs over defending Champions Dyfed-Powys at Derbyshire CCC on Wednesday 19th June... Read more
A team of Romanian Police Officers are spending the week working with officers from Brent Borough
Monday, 10 September, 2012
A team of Romanian Police Officers are spending the week working with officers from Brent Borough. The ten Romanian police officers are working with the... Read more
Brave cops to be honoured in glittering award ceremony.
Monday, 10 September, 2012
The police service is gearing up for the biggest event of the year - the 17th national Police Bravery Awards. The glittering award ceremony will... Read more
New Federation Chairman (elect)
Thursday, 06 September, 2012
Steve Williams, Chair-elect of the Police Federation of England and Wales, says: " To receive the majority support as Chair elect of the Police Federation... Read more
Police Cricket Final
Thursday, 06 September, 2012
The 2012 National Knockout Final Sponsored by Police Credit Union will be an all Welsh affair and due to be played on Wednesday 19th September... Read more
Challenge on ice
Tuesday, 04 September, 2012
Chief Inspector Steve Tysoe, in charge of patrols at Islington has stepped up to the challenge of becoming a Premier League Referee during the 2012... Read more
Smartphones keep officers out in the community
Tuesday, 04 September, 2012
All frontline officers and police community support officers in South Yorkshire now have access to BlackBerry Smartphones, which enables them to access real-time police information... Read more
First chief executive for office of Police and Crime Commissioner
Tuesday, 04 September, 2012
South Yorkshire Police Authority has appointed its first chief executive for the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC). Erika Redfearn, the Authority's former... Read more
Police Cricket Latest
Tuesday, 28 August, 2012
The National Knockout Competition which is in its 2nd year of Sponsorship by Police Credit Union has reached the Semi Final stages. For the first... Read more
Ammunition recycling police initiative launched
Monday, 20 August, 2012
A FIREARMS officer in Lancashire has launched a new ecologically friendly scheme to help save money and improve the environment. Inspector Steve Bradshaw came up... Read more
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