Historic police medal
Wednesday, 28 November, 2012

Historic medal donated to Nottinghamshire Police
The daughter of a former Nottinghamshire police officer has donated a 1923 medal to the Force.
Mrs June Bradbury, of West Bridgford, called the control room after hearing a piece on local radio about memorabilia. The medal belonged to Mrs Bradbury's godfather, James Glover, known as Jimmy.
He joined Nottingham City Police in 1907, after spending seven years in the Royal Navy. Jimmy became a desk sergeant based at the Guildhall and was also the boxing trainer for the Force in the early 1920s. The medal was issued to him on 23 April 1923 for his services in training the boxing team.
Sgt Glover retired after serving 25 years, and died in 1957, aged 76. Mrs Bradbury's father, Thomas Benfield, who also served the Force as a mounted officer between 1919 and 1946, was given the medal following his death, and it was later handed down to her.
June Bradbury decided that she wanted the medal to be kept somewhere that other people could see it. The medal, which was presented to West Bridgford's Sgt Harvey Smedley, will be placed in a display cabinet, which is set to be located in the reception at HQ.