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University of Cambridge Summer Crime Analysis Course

What: Starting in July, 2010, Cambridge University's Institute of Criminology will offer a three-week residential summer course leading to the Diploma and M.St. Degree in Applied Criminology and Police Management. This 2-summer (for the Diploma) or 4-summer (for the M.St.) course is open to university graduates who wish to advance their skills in crime analysis, crime prevention, and program evaluation.
Dates: Three consecutive weeks from July 26 to August 13, 2010; annually thereafter.
Where will the course take place?
At the Institute of Criminology and in residential colleges, Cambridge.
Who is the course for?
Anyone holding either an honours Bachelor's degree from a UK University, or the equivalent degree from an overseas university supplemented by adequate Graduate Record Exam scores, or the rank of Chief Inspector or above (or UK equivalent) in a police or regulatory agency regardless of prior qualification. Police employees at any rank with Bachelor's degrees are most welcome.
The Aims of the Summer Crime Analysis Course
To learn to apply rigorous criminological research and theory for
• analyzing, mapping and visualizing local crime data in light of research evidence,
• reviewing and planning appropriate problem-solving strategies,
• evaluating the success of local policing and prevention strategies and tactics,
• providing leadership by communicating good evidence well.
Assessment: Three essay questions or projects for the Diploma, plus two more essays and an 18,000-word thesis for the M.St., generally by a systematic review of research evidence.
Curriculum: Evidence-based policing for problem-solving, using rigorous research on patterns and prevention of crime, systematic reviews of evidence on responses to crime and justice problems, and communication of that evidence in locally-appropriate ways.
Taught By: Leading criminologists and top police executives from around the world.
Alumni: Over 30 UK Chief Constables and 120 other chief police officers since 1996.
Fees: Including all fees plus college membership with bed and breakfast included = £3,500 per summer or £7,000 for Diploma-only summers, £14,000 for full M.St. course over 4 summers.
Further Information: See our description at
Or contact Lucinda Bowditch, Course Administrator
Phone: +44 (0)1223 335373, E-mail:
Information and Applications at