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Undertaking research in policing

The School of Education and Lifelong Learning, at University of East Anglia has a long record of research and evaluation in police training and education.
The School offers a Doctorate in Education course (EdD) that may be suitable for police professionals. The EdD aims to provide an education in applied research. It has been designed to meet the needs of professionals working in areas related to education, training and development. It is particularly suited to those who can draw on their everyday practice and professional contexts to work towards a doctorate.
Titles of recently completed theses in the area of police training include:
- The National Occupational Standards and the Assessment of Student Police Officers
- Initial Police Training in England and Wales 1945 - 2009.
Study is part-time, over 4 years, and you will have the opportunity to work closely with an experienced supervisor throughout the period. Applications for October 2012 entry are being accepted. The closing date is 17th August 2012.
The degree programme allows you to research educational, social, professional or organisational issues of relevance to you as a professional and to your organisation. It allows you to acquire competency as an independent researcher; to design and conduct research and to disseminate the outcomes to others in your field. Its structure of taught and independent elements allows you to draw on the range of experiences of fellow-students and the staff team in a mutually supportive environment.
More information is available at: