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New generation of externally accredited crime prevention courses start in September

A new generation of externally accredited and portable learning and development qualifications in crime prevention and designing out crime are being launched for Police Forces and other organisations seeking to reduce crime and make communities safer.
The qualifications are being provided by the UK’s Police Crime Prevention Academy, a new venture from Secured by Design, the national police crime prevention initiative.
The Academy has developed these qualifications for the awarding body, ProQual, and is able to deliver Ofqual regulated qualifications. The Academy has developed these courses after taking over delivery under an agreement from the College of Policing last year.
A suite of qualifications is available now. They include an Introduction to Crime Prevention at Level 3, and move onto qualifications for those in specialist roles such as a Level 4 Certificate for Crime Prevention Officers and a Level 5 Diploma for Designing Out Crime Officers.
The qualifications will provide structured learning opportunities for roles within the Police Service and other public sector organisations that have a statutory duty around crime and disorder reduction. These include Local Authority departments, Community Safety Partnerships and Probation services.
They are also relevant to Fire and Rescue and Health services as well as private sector businesses involved in delivering safer communities, such as security staff and managers, retail staff, architects, design students and many others.
Guy Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer, Secured by Design, said: “Employers are increasingly only willing to invest in learning and development that provides a formally recognised and portable qualification that adds value to the organisation.”
• For more information about the courses, dates and the associated costs, please contact us: