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MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology and MSc Crime Science - LSBU

An area of major importance in the prevention and detection of crime is in the use of scientific methods.
These methods incorporate a range of skills from Forensic Investigation, Psychological Analysis, through to IT and Decision Support. Modern crime related issues now require experts working in this field to be aware of and, if necessary, to be able to integrate different scientific approaches for the detection and prevention of crime.
London South Bank University (LSBU) runs two such courses; MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology and MSc Crime Science, as part of their expanding suite of Crime and Litigation courses.
The MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology is the only course of its kind in the South of England and one of two MSc courses to run in the UK. The course was developed in consultation with the Metropolitan Police Service Crime Academy and was validated by the University in 2007.
The course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to evaluate, apply, and advance current understanding of the theory and practice of Investigative Forensic Psychology.
Throughout the course students evaluate current research on topics ranging from how best to elicit accurate evidence from witnesses and suspects (including those deemed to be vulnerable), detecting deception, offender profiling, to factors affecting police decision making.
Feedback from current students indicates that they find the course interesting, thought provoking, and most importantly, highly relevant to their everyday job.
A current student who is currently a Detective Inspector (DI) in the Met said of their personal experience: "The knowledge I am gaining will have a specific impact on my ability to deliver quality policing, I am also learning from experience and my dissertation will potentially suggest ways where I can suggest change for the better in investigation methods."
The MSc in Crime Science is a new addition to the suite of Crime and Litigation courses at LSBU and addresses these current issues concerned with modern crime prevention and
detection. They were compiled with support from the Metropolitan Police Service Crime Academy and ran for the first time in 2008.
Student feedback for the course has been positive. A student who is also a serving
Police Officer says: "Undertaking an MSc Crime Science Masters degree has been an extremely worthwhile and rewarding experience. As well as the chance to meet interesting, sociable people I have been fortunate enough to broaden my knowledge in areas across the police spectrum. The forensic science input has been invaluable and directly relevant, the criminology and psychology of investigation modules have given me a whole new perspective on my work and computing and research teaching has given me a more critical and analytical eye which will serve me well in my future career."
Both courses are currently recruiting for students to begin in September 2009.
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London South Bank University has over 23,500 students; it is one of the largest universities in London with a distinctive and diverse student profile coming from the local community, across the UK and countries around the world.
With over 300 undergraduate courses it is currently ranked 6th for graduate starting
salaries in the UK according to a recent poll by The Times. LSBU is one of the UK's leading providers of knowledge transfer partnerships.