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Human Biology (Level 3 Diploma)

eDistant Learning
Course Type: Home Study
Study Hours: 400 Hours/Flexible
Tel: 0800 009 6081
The OLQA Level 3 Human Biology course is divided into ten comprehensive modules:
The course is divided into ten modules, each with an associated assignment. Following completion of all ten modules, students will be required to complete an online examination.
Module 1: The Chemistry of Life and Cells
The first module looks at the basic structure and function of cells, and explores the chemical processes essential to life. It will cover biological molecules and cell transportation, as well as the underpinning components.
This module forms the basis of subsequent modules and contains the building blocks of biological synthesis.
Module 2: Gaseous Exchange, Enzymes and Digestion
This module looks at the structure and function of the digestive system, respiratory system and the role of enzymes in vital processes essential to nutrient extraction and assimilation.
Each topic is linked to provide you with a logical overview of how oxygen is exchanged between the atmosphere and the blood, together with how the biochemical processes are initiated in order to maintain equilibrium within the body tissues.
Module 3: Genes, Cell Cycles and Genetic Engineering and its Applications
The processes that continually occur within the cells of our body are essential to growth, repair and function. This module examines these processes in detail and presents both description and explanation of the genetic code, gene expression in humans and how variation and mutation occurs within a species. The module links the biological evidence to techniques and concepts of genetic engineering which is relevant to human existence today.
In addition there will be discussion about genetic markers for disease screening and the issues surrounding gene therapy.
Module 4: The Mammal, Bacteria and Viruses
In this module we look at the structure and function of the human circulatory system including cardiac cycle and cardiac output. We also examine the composition of blood and the microbiology of viruses and bacteria; also discussing how these are transported around the body.
This is a comprehensive module, spanning many body systems but will provide students with a logical overview of how 'foreign' material enters the body and affects wellbeing.
Module 5: Biotechnology, Antibiotics, Disease and Diagnosis
This module is a logical progression from module 4, and looks at a variety of diseases and conditions for all body systems. It will briefly present a range of symptoms and discuss the possible outcomes of these diseases in relation to each system.
The module also looks at the history, production and application of antibiotics, screening processes and disease differentiation. You will be able to link knowledge from the previous modules to common conditions and this will provide a logical framework for consideration of various biological processes.
Module 6: Respiration, Photosynthesis, Stimulus and Response
The way we react to stimuli is vital to continued successful existence. This module will cover the structure and function of the nervous system and look in detail at how humans respond to various stimuli such as pain, danger etc.
The module also covers photosynthesis in detail and relates this crucial biological process to our own wellbeing and successful development as a species.
Module 7: Hormones, Homeostasis, Muscle and Movement
This module will explore the way in which the human body maintains a steady internal environment. Included in this will be detailed exploration of the role of hormones in this process and how the external environment can influence these processes.
Incorporated within this module will be the structure and function of the musculoskeletal system and how this relates to maintaining homeostasis.
Module 8: Genetics, Variation and Evolution
Evolution within any species is dynamic. This module examines human evolution and the impact of genetics on diversity, variation and natural selection processes.
Sex determination will be discussed in some depth and related to different non-genetic influences. In addition, inheritance will be looked at in respect of evolutionary processes and links discussed.
Module 9: Environment
The environment is crucial to human survival.
In this module we will examine energy and nutrient flows, as well as looking at ecosystems and their role in human endurance. The module will examine farming methods and food production relevant to human nutritional needs and problems. In addition the module will discuss various trophic levels and the role of other animals and plant life in relation to our own existence.
This module will bring together the underlying concepts of human survival and health related to planetary wellbeing and changes.
Module 10: Life Cycle
In this final module reproduction, growth and development will be looked at in some detail. Exploration of different ages of human beings will include looking at relevant processes such as language acquisition, child development stages and what happens to us in old age.
Pregnancy and birth will be covered and related to different essentials of life such as healthy diet, wellbeing and how these things are linked to cognitive and physical development.
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