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Electrical Installation & Design (BTEC Advanced Level 3 Certificate)

eDistant Learning
Course Type: Home Study
Study Hours: 180 Hours/Flexible
Tel: 0800 009 6081
The Edexcel BTEC Advanced Level 3 in Electrical Installation & Design is divided into three comprehensive Units:
Unit One - Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction and the Built Environment
Health, safety and welfare are of paramount importance to any organisation operating within the construction industry. The Health and Safety Executive's annual league table of fatal injuries shows the construction sector consistently tops the table.
The UK and European Union have created a legal framework for prosecuting employers and employees who disregard health, safety and welfare legislation.
To reduce the significant accident record in construction, employers must formulate workplace safety policies. These must address the hazards, risks, policies, the organisational and control arrangements required to promote health, safety and welfare, and be communicated to all parties.
The unit will provide learners with knowledge and understanding of the legal framework relating to employer and employee responsibilities.
An understanding of the principal causes of typical accidents and the associated costs of these will be developed, and learners will explore the methods used to identify workplace hazards in construction, together with the strategies used to control them including the use of risk assessments and monitoring and review procedures. Learners will become familiar with the roles and responsibilities of personnel and with the procedures required following the occurrence of accidents.
Unit Two - Electrical Principles in Building Services Engineering
The use of electricity is an essential part of life in the modern world. Electricity provides us with the means to energise many devices, systems and processes that are part of our technological environment. Electricity, in combination with these technologies, is used to transfer energy, to provide mechanisms for control and to transmit information in a variety of forms.
Basic electrical theories need to be understood and considered by all those involved in the design or installation of plant, equipment, machinery, control systems or the electrical circuitry that is required to power both mechanical and electrical services within buildings.
In this unit learners will gain essential underpinning knowledge through study of the form and function of electrical devices, and by investigating the various ways to transfer, modify, transform, and control electrical energy.
Learners will be able to distinguish between the requirement for single and threephase circuits, and will develop a basic understanding of fundamentals such as the difference between analogue and digital signals, and the relevance of these to control systems.
Unit Three - Electrical Installation Standards and Components in Building Services Engineering
Electricity is dangerous. In fact it is quite lethal. From early times people lived in fear and awe of lightning. It was seen as a terrifying force and something that the most powerful of Gods could wield when they were displeased.
Nowadays, we understand electricity and how it works. We have tamed it and made it a tool that has allowed our world, for the most part, to become comfortable and civilised.
Television, communications, the internet, lighting, control technologies and so many other things would be impossible without electricity.
Yet it is still dangerous.
It can cause fires. It can cause death by electrocution. The presence of water can make it more dangerous. At high voltages it can leap several feet through the air and kill anyone unfortunate enough to be near.
This course is about installation standards and components. So why all of the above?
Well, essentially, installation standards are primarily about keeping electricity safe and preventing harm.
You will see, as you work through this course, that the installation industry has to comply with a vast number of regulations and standards. Anyone wishing to be come competent in this industry must become very familiar with the complete range of dos and don'ts.
In fact the industry now has a defined title for anyone practising in this field - competent person.
In this course we will cover the range of regulations and practices. It will set you on the path to becoming a competent person.
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