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Counselling (Level 3 Diploma)

eDistant Learning
Course Type: Home Study
Study Hours: 360 Hours/Flexible
Tel: 0800 009 6081
The Diploma in Counselling is a practical and stimulating course, ideal for individuals with no prior counselling knowledge. This counselling course will help you develop the skills you need in order to work on a one to one basis with people in need of help, guidance and support.
This Diploma in Counselling is highly rewarding, exciting and challenging and is the perfect home study course to provide an excellent foundation of information and deeper understanding of counselling, paving the way for further study and a future career within the varying fields. The Level 3 Diploma in Counselling offers deep exploration and a step by step guide to work through the whole process of counselling from the initial meeting through to the end of the counselling relationship.
The Ascentis Level 3 Counselling course is divided into four comprehensive modules:
Module 1: Introduction
What counselling is and isn't
Why counselling might be needed
Module 2: Counselling theory
Counselling approaches
Beginning a counselling session
Verbal and non-verbal language
Active listening skills
Using effective questioning
Paraphrasing & reflecting feelings
Giving and receiving feedback
Module 3: Working with feelings
Modes of thinking
Motivating others
Responding to negativity in others
Managing change
Module 4: Goal Setting and moving on
Facilitating problem solving
Generating creative solutions
Negotiating tasks
Ending the helping process
Counselling and self awareness
Counselling as a career"
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