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CEREBRA Legal & Police Issues affecting Children Conference

"Legal/police issues affecting children/young people with neurological conditions Conference"
Tuesday 20th May 2008 at
Pen Green Centre (Research, Development & Training Base & Leadership Centre),
Rockingham Road, Corby, Northants. NN17 1AG.(Tel. 01536 443435).
What is it about?
The conference will focus on the issues surrounding legal and police involvement with children/young people with neurological conditions, the problems encountered by families and how these can be addressed by professionals, in order to improve practice
The cost of attending the day is £100 for professionals, with a limited number of free places for students.
Professionals attending the conference can claim up to 5 CPD points in accordance with current R.C.P.C.H. guidelines
Who's it for?
People with a professional interest in legal and police issues affecting brain-injured children and young people and their families, for example:
The legal profession, Police officers/trainers psychologists/psychiatrists, prison officers, probation officers, voluntary and support workers, agency/group workers, social services employees, (SEN) teachers, research assistants and students.
CEREBRA - for children/young people with neurological conditions.
Please send completed enrolment form + fee (cheque payable prior to event) to:
Gaynor Ellis, CEREBRA Research Dept.,
FREEPOST SWC 3360, Carmarthen SA31 1ZY or email to tel: 01267 244226
For further details either visit Cerebra's website at
09.00 - 09.30 Reception (incl. REFRESHMENTS) + Registration
09.30 - 09.45 INTRODUCTION by Cerebra
09.45 - 10.30 Dr Neil Rutterford, Chartered Psychologist, "Waking up ADD/ADHD brains"
10.30 - 11.15 Simon Humphreys, Superintendent, North Wales Police and parent of a child with A.S.D., "Both sides of the thin, blue line - experiences of a Police Officer and Parent".
11.15 - 11.30 REFRESHMENTS
11.30 - 12.30 Mr Mike Jenkins, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, Birmingham and Ms Kim Firkins, Senior Youth Offending Team Officer, Birmingham, "Making sense of the youth offending process",
12.30 - 13.30 LUNCH/NETWORKING
13.30 - 14.15 Trisha Rodsett, SENCO at Lindsworth SEBD Secondary School, Birmingham, "Pitfalls and bear traps - or trying to get an education. A secondary special school experience".
14.30 - 14.45 Mr Phil Anderton Ph.D, Ex Police Officer, Author and winner of Crime Concern Problem Solver of the Year, 2002
"The Tipping Points - what professionals should recognise as the social impact of ADHD"
14.45 - 16.30 " Paul Osborne, Solicitor and Head of Swansea Business School "Why people confess - confessions and the law"
16.30 - 16.45 CONCLUSION by CEREBRA