National Counter Terrorism Policing Update
Friday, 09 July, 2021

• Julian Platt, Deputy National Coordinator for Protect & Prepare within Counter Terrorism Policing, Superintendent and member of the International Security Expo Advisory Council.
Just one year after its launch, the Action Counters Terrorism App won ‘Outstanding new security product’ of the year and ACT’s online learning platform was also named ‘Outstanding training initiative’ at the Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPA’s).
Now that we are getting closer to lockdown restrictions lifting, busy and crowded spaces have the potential to re-emerge with a new legal duty developing on security measures currently out for consultation. Counter Terrorism Policing are reminding businesses there has never been a better time to ask whether they are protected and prepared - is their security outstanding? Are they utilising the best-in-class tools?
Julian Platt, Deputy National Coordinator for Protect & Prepare within Counter Terrorism Policing, Superintendent and member of the International Security Expo Advisory Council, said: “The pace of work since the start of the pandemic has continued, with Counter Terrorism Policing making 185 arrests across more than 800 live investigations – stopping three possible terror attacks in the process. However lock down easing creates a new opportunity for those intent on causing harm to groups of people out enjoying less restrictions”
“We want the public, police, security staff and retail workers to join forces in an effort to protect our communities to minimise the chance of attack.”
“When we say that ‘Communities defeat terrorism’ it is not just a catchphrase. We know from experience that public information and action helps saves lives and lead to the significant arrests as detailed in these statistics.
Almost 250,000 people across the world now receive the latest information from Counter Terrorism Policing, plus all protective security advice, at their fingertips 24/7, wherever they are, through the ACT App. The generous support and expert guidance of industry leaders URIM and Marks & Spencer has helped to drive the success of the technology in collaboration with Counter Terrorism Policing and NaCTSO.
The ACT Awareness e-learning within the ACT App has been recognised as a corporate Counter Terrorism online interactive tool that helps people better understand, and mitigate against, current terrorist methodology. Designed for UK businesses, but now open to the public, over 10,000 businesses have signed up to benefit from the free e-learning programme with over 880,000 modules completed since May last year.
Advice and guidance on how to encourage people to register and actively take part in the ACT e-learning can be found here.
To download the app (business/professional use only) search for the ‘Urim’ app in Google Play or App Store and then email to request your unique user name and password. With support from close partners, the National Counter Terrorism Security Office also invites you to join its series of ‘Wednesday Workshops’ to learn about the importance of CT with live workshops and demonstrations of the App and e-learning technologies. To take part in the next workshop, email
Global Counter Terror and Serious and Organised Crime will be a key theme at International Security Expo 2021. A dedicated Global Counter Terror and Serious and Organised Crime Summit will deliver an unmissable educational programme from world-leading security experts, focusing on the changing nature of serious and organised crime and terrorism, along with the most prevalent terror trends currently affecting UK Counter Terror capability, from Prevent to Protect, Pursue and Prepare. To find out more about International Security Expo and register for your FREE pass, visit: