Retired Staffordshire policeman voted UK’s top carer
Thursday, 17 December, 2015

Life detective. Photograph shows Keith, looking at one of the ‘Life Journals’ that he has created.

Keith Aldritt with trophy
A retired Staffordshire police sergeant who has found a new vocation in life providing home care for older people has been voted the UK’s top caregiver.
Keith Alldritt, 59, of Tittensor, Staffordshire, is a caregiver at the Newcastle-under-Lyme branch of Home Instead Senior Care – which provides companionship and care for older people in their own homes.
Keith is a former Wildlife Liaison Officer with Staffordshire Police’s Rural Crime Unit. He spent his career policing animal rights issues, investigating a widely reported mink release in the county by activists in the late 1990s and was involved in numerous animal rescues over three decades. He policed the Toxteth riots, a G8 summit and the very first V festival during his years on the force.
After retiring from the police, Keith a grandfather-of-one from Tittensor, Staffordshire, wanted to stay active. Despite his own age, he discovered a new vocation in life with Home Instead Senior Care, providing home help and companionship to older people.
Having only joined the company in February 2014, Keith has now been voted its Caregiver of the Year for 2015, beating 8,000 others across the UK and earning him personal praise from the Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The award recognises Keith’s extraordinary efforts on behalf of those he cares for. The father-of-two has consistently gone above and beyond to help improve his clients’ lives, creating Life Journals which have given several older people a new zest for life.
As well as creating the Life Journals – which involves Keith researching historical information about his clients’ lives, drawing on his police investigative skills – Keith also takes his clients back to visit places that were important in their lives.
On learning Keith had received this year’s award, one of his clients said: “I’m chuffed to bits for Keith. He deserves a big cheers for what he’s done for me and for writing it all down in my own book. He cares through and through.”
Sam Brocklebank, co-founder of Home Instead Senior Care UK, said: “Keith embodies the core values of Home Instead – demonstrating that care and companionship go hand-in-hand. Keith’s work this year shows what is possible when care is delivered with thought and compassion. It is not putting it too strongly to say that he has helped to transform the lives of many of his clients.”
Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care at the Care Quality Commission, Andrea Sutcliffe, said: “This is the kind of care and support that definitely meets the Mum Test – care we would be happy for ourselves or anyone we love to receive.
“What a difference Keith is making to the lives of the people he is supporting – it is exactly the kind of person-centred approach that my inspectors are looking for and that everyone receiving care deserves.”
Keith, who now has a BTEC Level 2 in Care amongst his professional qualifications, said: “I loved my time in the Staffordshire Constabulary, but working in home care, helping older people continue living in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes, is one of the most rewarding experiences of my career to date. I’m humbled and honoured to receive the award.”
Newcastle-upon-Lyme Home Instead franchise owner Paul Edden said: “Keith is an outstanding CAREGiver who focuses on the simple things that touch the lives of his clients. He changes lives and is a superhero in his local community.”
Home Instead is looking for more people like Keith to join their teams in Staffordshire. You can find out more at: