Jon Boutcher proposed as Bedfordshire’s new Chief Constable
Wednesday, 26 August, 2015

Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Olly Martins has today announced the current Deputy Chief Constable Jon Boutcher QPM as his preferred candidate for Chief Constable following a robust and challenging recruitment process.
The news follows an innovative two-day assessment which tested the skills of the shortlisted candidates in a range of challenging situations. This included a Question and Answer session with about 40 current police officers and police staff, chaired by Paul Scoins from BBC Three Counties Radio.
A further Question and Answer session was held involving key stakeholder agencies who work closely with the Force. This included representatives from local councils, Fire and Rescue Service, Criminal Justice Board members, victim services providers and probation.
The responses and feedback from these sessions was used to shape the final interview with the Appointment Panel - which comprised Commissioner Martins, Councillor James Jamieson, leader of Central Bedfordshire Council, and Carolyn Dhanraj from the College of Policing. Cambridge University policing academic and former Thames Valley Chief Constable Peter Neyroud provided expert advice.
Candidates also took part in a mock in-depth media interview and undertook a psychometric assessment, as well as the final interview which included giving a presentation on delivering the Commissioner's Police and Crime Plan objectives at a time of austerity.
The appointment is now subject to a confirmation hearing on 15 September by the Bedfordshire Police and Crime Panel, the committee of local councillors and lay members who scrutinise the work of the Commissioner.
Commenting on the appointment, Commissioner Martins said: "The selection of Chief Constable is the most important decision a PCC makes and in Bedfordshire it is a big job even though we have a small force. That's why the candidates were asked to undertake a rigorous and challenging recruitment process that tested their skills and experience in a number of demanding practical situations.
"Mr Boutcher demonstrated the experience, confidence and knowledge at handling the difficult and complex situations the role inevitably faces in Bedfordshire and the Appointment Panel and I are confident he is the right person to lead the force.
"The future promises to be financially challenging, and our crime and safeguarding issues will doubtless continue to be complex. So it's essential we appoint a strong and confident leader at the helm to steer the organisation through these challenges."
Jon Boutcher said: "It is a real privilege to be successful in the selection process for Chief Constable of this fabulous Force. We have got lots of work to do in continuing to improve the service the Force is providing to our communities and there are many challenges ahead, not only here in Bedfordshire but across policing nationally.
"Police performance is improving in this County thanks to the work of our exceptional officers and staff and I look forward to tackling the future challenges with them to ensure Bedfordshire Police delivers the best possible service it can."