Daughter of police officer killed on duty takes part in charity sky dive
Tuesday, 21 January, 2014

2002: 10-year-old Vicky with brothers Jonny, 11, and Chris, 12 with their father Bryan Moore shortly before he was killed on duty.

Today: Vicky, now 21, is about to take part in a tandem sky dive to raise money for Care of Police Survivors.
A group of children supported by the Charity Care of Police Survivors (COPS) are taking part in a tandem sky dive in July to raise money for the charity. Each of the 10 members of the group has lost a Father through death in the line of duty.
‘Each of us are immensely proud of the bravery and sacrifice our fathers made every day to protect our streets and the lives of others’ said Vicky Moore, daughter of PC Bryan Moore who was killed on duty in 2002.’
COPS was set up by survivors to provide support to those who have lost a family member in the line of duty. Since its formation 10 years ago, COPS has provided support to families across the UK, enabling them to share stories and support one another through their grief.
Vicky said ‘COPS is more than a charity, to us it is a family. I’ve met some wonderful people through COPS and its because of COPS that we have been able to 'rebuild our lives' following the death of our fathers.’
‘We are now at the ages where we wanted to give something back to the charity, to show how much we’ve appreciated all the support it has given to us and our families.’
President Sue Brace said ‘COPS is there to support all the families of a death on duty. But I'm so proud of these young adults who want to give something back to COPS for the support they have had. They are doing a fabulous fund raiser in the memory of their dads. Also they give hope to the new families that come to COPS.’
She went on to say ‘Grief never goes away, but somehow we learn to live with it and do something so very special as these children show us. Their dads would be very proud of them.’
The jump will take place on Saturday 19 July at the British Parachute School Langer, Nottingham. All donations are greatly accepted via the following:
http://www.justgiving.com/victoria-moore5 or TEXT "COPS65 + donation" to 70070