Security and Policing Home Office Event 2014
Tuesday, 19 November, 2013

Security & Policing is the UK’s only secure event for police, law enforcement and Security professionals, tasked with civil protection, Security and National Resilience. With over 350 companies attending, this UK Government event is the largest of its kind in the UK and provides a platform for showcasing world-leading technologies, products and solutions to police services, Government departments, organisations and agencies from the UK and overseas.
New for 2014
- Expanded international delegation programme – aims to help UK companies export. Regional experts will be on hand to provide specialist advice and assistance
- UK visitor delegation programme –will include top decision makers and influencers in the UK Security sector who are engaged in procurement decisions, shaping future policy and development of operational strategies
- Large vehicle and demonstration area – this area will enable exhibitors to showcase vehicles and large equipment in a dedicated space
Originating from the Home Office and delivered from within the event, the growing impact of the free-to-attend Industry Briefing Programme provides a platform for senior Government and security officials to host a series of workshops and briefings to deliver insight, depth and clarity on key areas of Government planning, as well as information on current and future programmes.
Visitors to the event must pre-register and will be vetted to Home Office criteria. The Home Office vetting process supports the sensitive nature of the exhibition and the equipment showcased. It also speaks the right environment for exhibitors and visitors to discuss matters in confidence.
A global VIP Delegation Programme, co-ordinated by UK Trade & Industry Defence & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO) provides a unique opportunity for senior professionals from around the world to meet with manufacturers and suppliers to discuss their security requirements face to face.
Who should attend
Chief Constables and their department representatives UK and International Police Officers Key providers of Critical National Infrastructure Emergency Services Prisons and correctional facilities Customs, Immigration and Border Agencies MOD and Armed Forces Government Security Agencies
Who should exhibit
Companies with products in the following security sectors:
Policing Cyber security Critical National Infrastructure Forensics Border control Counter terror Aviation security Blue light services Maritime security
Please visit the Security and Policing website for more information on visiting or exhibiting at Security and Policing 2014.
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T: +44 (0)207 091 7835