Customer satisfaction survey
Thursday, 25 October, 2012

Stop and Account Officer speaking with member of the community
Officers from Tower Hamlets Partnership Task Force have been trialling a customer
satisfaction survey linked to stop and search on the streets.
Every member of the public who is stopped and searched by the Partnership task Force is given the opportunity to take part in the survey. The intention of the survey is to try to address areas where officers can improve the service they provide, whilst at the same time listen to the local community. Stop and search lead for Tower Hamlets police, Inspector Gary Anderson said: "The uptake of the survey has been very positive and we are keen to listen and learn from peoples experience of the use of stop and search. We currently achieve 20% detections on offences whilst using stop and search tactics across the borough. However we want to improve this and the survey is a way of finding out how."
The survey will run until the end of October with the findings being presented to the community monitoring group.