Powys urged to carry CRASH Card
Tuesday, 27 March, 2012

One of the Crash Cards that are available from the council Road Safety Unit for motorcyclists living in the county

Ride Safely sign

Grid reference sticker
Motorcyclists in the county are being encouraged by Powys County Council to carry a card that contains potentially life-saving information in the event of an accident.
The Crash Card contains personal details including name, date of birth and allergies which emergency services can use in the event of an emergency. The cards are available from the council's Road Safety Unit.
The card is secreted in the lining of a motorcyclist's helmet and emergency services are alerted to it's presence by the placement of a small green dot to the corner of the helmet visor.
This latest initiative coincides with the yellow 'Ride Safely' information posters that are being distributed along roadside in the county.
On the back of each poster, which serves as a road safety reminder to motorcyclists and car drivers alike, there is a grid reference sticker and the reference can be given to emergency services to help them identify the exact route in the event of a breakdown or emergency - potentially reducing the time it takes to reach you. The route and road number are also available for information.
Alyson Broome, the council's Road Safety Project Officer, said: "Powys roads are very popular with motorcyclists but one issue that has been reported to us by the emergency services, is that motorcyclists may meet up at one place and ride on to another, without necessarily knowing each other's name.
"The cards help to quickly identify a person and any medical history in the event of an emergency. Such a simple idea, originally brought about by the Ambulance Motorcycle Club, could potentially make the difference between a serious collision and a fatal collision."
If you live or work in Powys, you can claim your free Crash Card by contacting the Road Safety Unit on 01597 826979 or email your name and address to