Public confidence in policing
Friday, 30 December, 2011

Public confidence in 21st century policing
will be the subject of a lecture given
by the Interim Chair of the
Independent Police Complaints Com -
mission, Len Jackson OBE, at Nottingham
Trent University on January 26. The talk will look at the major issues, which have sparked demands for more rigorous oversight of the police as well as the creation of the IPCC.
The talk, which is open to the public and free to attend, is part of a guest lecture series organised by the university's School of Social Sciences.
As well as providing a history of police complaints and the bodies responsible for them, Mr Jackson will discuss the potential impact of the new Police and Crime Act on police complaints and how the landscape in this area will change beyond 2012.
He will also highlight recent experiences of dealing with serious incidents involving European Convention on Human Rights 'article two' cases which protect the right to life - and what has been
learned from those cases.
Mr Jackson was appointed to the IPCC as a commissioner in 2003 and became deputy chair in 2008, before taking on the role of Interim Chair last year