Police Authority Announces Appointment of Alf Hitchcock as Next Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police
Friday, 08 October, 2010

Bedfordshire Police Authority has today announced the appointment of Alf Hitchcock as the next Chief Constable of Bedfordshire Police.
Mr Hitchcock, who is currently Deputy Chief Constable at the National College of Police Leadership at the Police Staff College, Bramshill, will take over when the current Chief Constable, Gillian Parker, retires at the end of the year.
Congratulating Mr Hitchcock on his appointment, Chair of the Police Authority, Peter Conniff, said: "I'm extremely pleased to have been able to appoint someone with such extensive experience across different areas of policing, experience which will undoubtedly be used to Bedfordshire's benefit. On behalf of the full Authority, I welcome him on board and look forward to working with him as we address the challenges ahead."
Speaking after his appointment was revealed Mr Hitchcock said: "It's fantastic news and an honour to have been selected. I was particularly keen to be appointed as Bedfordshire is made up of both rural and urban areas, each having its own complexities in terms of the way policing is delivered, which represents a really exciting challenge.
"There are also some really difficult challenges to be tackled in the coming years and I'm delighted to have the opportunity to address these with a Force that is so forward thinking and positive about the future. Whenever I have visited the Force I've been impressed by the enthusiasm of all the officers and staff."