Boys and girls in blue are thinking green
Tuesday, 13 July, 2010

Assistant Chief Constable Colin Menzies, Facilities Manager Alistair Sinclair and University of Aberdeen students Henriette Mohr (far right) and Iain Dallas (far left).
Grampian Police has enlisted two students from the University of Aberdeen to help the force reduce its carbon footprint.
The students are part of the 'Enforcing the Environment' campaign designed to encourage energy efficiency and recycling and reduce associated costs. Part of the work done by the students was to design a series of posters which will be displayed in police stations across Grampian, encouraging staff to 'think green.'
Grampian Police first calculated its CO2 footprint in 2008 and set up an environmental action group (EAG) to take forward a number of initiatives to reduce this footprint.
Grampian Police Facilities Manager, Alistair Sinclair, said: "One of our priorities is to effectively and efficiently maximise frontline resources and we recognise that a reduction in CO2 emissions is a vital part of this.
"We all have to play our part and I'm extremely grateful to the University of Aberdeen for providing us with two excellent students to help us take this message to our staff."
At a national level, the force is signed up to an ACPOS agreement which will result in Scottish police forces achieving greenhouse gas reductions of 15% by 2015 and 34% by 2020.
As part of this plan, all Scottish forces have agreed to enter into a carbon reduction programme being run by the Carbon Trust.
This programme was launched at the Scottish Police College in June 2010 and will develop projects to reduce our carbon footprints.