Four year NPIA Licence- 'A ringing endorsement for joint firearms training centre
Tuesday, 08 June, 2010

In an unprecedented move, the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) has granted the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Firearms Support Unit's Training Centre a joint licence for a full four years, following a detailed inspection.
Particular areas of good practice which the Agency highlighted were the approach to health and safety risk assessments for training, lesson plans and role profiles and the inspectors stated the work carried out will influence the national firearms training agenda.
It is the first time such a joint licence has been granted, as well as the first time one has been issued for the full four years, without stipulating the need for an ongoing development plan.
Assistant Chief Constable John Fletcher, Protective Services lead for Bedfordshire Police, commented: "This is a ringing endorsement for the collaborative approach we have taken with our firearms unit, which was only established in July last year, and a tribute to the Training Centre team. The inspection outcomes show that the centre has not only achieved the required standards, but raised the bar in many areas which is really placing the team at the forefront of good practice nationally.
Assistant Chief Constable Steve Devine, Protective Services lead for Hertfordshire Constabulary added: "As well as this recent success for our training centre, representatives from the unit are presenting at the National Firearms Conference this month about approaches taken by the joint unit since it was established. We are also receiving visits and expressions of interest from other police forces who are keen to find out more about our progress to date which is a real testament to the outcomes that have been achieved by this joint venture."
Andy Latto, the lead firearms advisor for the NPIA commented: "The collaboration project was supported by the NPIA to enable forces to meet the ever increasing demands placed upon their firearms officers. The forces' achievement in obtaining a full joint licence, the first in the country, is an endorsement of the commitment they both have to delivering to a recognised national standard. Their success in obtaining the licence has resulted in the development of good practice which is being offered on a national platform and will be an integral part of the forthcoming Firearms Conference."
The Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire Firearms Support Unit, of which the Training Centre forms part, was set up in July 2009 with the agreement of both forces' Police Authorities and following consultation with staff, key stakeholders and staff associations. Detailed work was undertaken by the two forces to align firearms policies and procedures under the direction of a newly-formed Joint Strategic Firearms Group. The Unit has two bases (Welwyn Garden City and Kempston), with the Training Centre at Bedfordshire Headquarters. The collaboration generates annual efficiencies in the region of £437,000.