Pupils have a riot with police
Monday, 07 June, 2010

Police have been attacked by Chadderton teenagers - as part of a training exercise.
Ten pupils from The Radclyffe School took part in a public order training exercise at Clayton Brook, accompanied by teachers and officers from the Chadderton Neighbourhood Policing Team.
The pupils acted out a riot scenario, throwing rubber bricks at the police officers.
Sergeant Kam Hare: "As part of our commitment to delivering the Policing Pledge, we have built up a great relationship with the pupils and teachers, ensuring that we listen to their concerns. Officers regular visit the school and have spoken with the youngsters about the role of neighbourhood officers and what we are doing to make their neighbourhood safer.
"Inviting the school to take part in the training exercise provided a unique opportunity to show a different side to policing. Not only does it allow our officers to improve their skills in dealing with disorder, but it also breaks down barriers between the police and young people and makes us more approachable on the street."