Starting young
Monday, 03 August, 2009

ACC Rob Taylor with Louis (4), Summer (3), Ella (3) and Robert (4) from St Wilfrid's Primary School wearing their new uniforms.
St Wilfrid's Primary School in Northenden, South Manchester has become the first school to receive child size PC and PCSO high visibility vests from the Northenden Neighbourhood Policing Team.
The miniature vests, which fit three to four year olds, have been specially designed for children to use during role-play in lessons and have been presented to every primary school and nursery in the area. Assistant Chief Constable Rob Taylor said: "Engaging with children at an early age is an important aspect of Neighbourhood Policing as not only do they become used to a police presence but it also enables them to learn the difference between right and wrong at the very outset.
"Greater Manchester Police is committed to building links with all members of the community whether they're 90 years old or three years old. The children look the business in their high visibility vests and who knows, perhaps some of these toddlers are the future of GMP