New Chief Constable for British Transport Police
Friday, 24 April, 2009

British Transport Police Authority (BTPA) has today announced Andrew Trotter as the next Chief Constable of British Transport Police.
Mr Trotter has been the Deputy Chief Constable for more than five years and was appointed at the end of a vigorous selection process.
BTPA Chairman Millie Banerjee said that she is confident he will build on the transformation BTP has seen in the last eight years: "The next Chief Constable faces the challenging agenda of a difficult financial climate and increasing demands on the Force. I am confident that Andy will deliver."
"The Police Authority is looking forward to working with Andy as we take British Transport Police into the next decade."
BTP Chief Constable Ian Johnston said: "I am absolutely delighted that the Police Authority have been able to select Andy Trotter as the next Chief Constable of BTP. Andy has a vast experience of policing and in his new elevated role will bring fresh ways of continuing to improve the service the Force provides. He has shown outstanding leadership as my deputy, and I know will be a first class Chief Constable."
Andy Trotter takes command of more than 4000 police officers and staff across the country, all of whom are committed to making the railways a safer place for passengers and rail staff.
Mr Johnston will remain in office until the summer. BTPA will advertise for a new Deputy Chief Constable in due course.