Record Hours For Hertfordshire Special Constables
Friday, 17 April, 2009

SPECIAL constables in Hertfordshire performed an all time record of 102,899 duty hours during the 2008/9 policing year which ended on March 31st. Although the team's average strength grew by just 8% compared to the previous year, their performance showed an increase of 16%.
The dedicated proactive volunteers averaged 33 hours per officer per month, double the requirement set by the Home Office, thereby placing them amongst the best performing teams of all 43 police forces in the UK.
Although the scope of duties undertaken by the county's Specials is one of the broadest of all forces, two-thirds of their duty time was spent on high-visibility intelligence led patrols concentrating on "hotspots" - areas which generate repeat complaints about anti-social behaviour. Over 320 arrests were made by Specials during the year.
Special Chief Officer Peter Mould said: "To have exceeded the 100,000 duty hour threshold is a magnificent achievement realised by only a handful of forces. I never cease to be amazed by the dedication and commitment of my officers who turn out for duty throughout the week, often after a hard day's work, in order to improve the quality of life for those who live and work in the county. I am extremely proud to lead such a professional team, which consistently produces such excellent results."
He added: "I am hoping to increase our number from its current level of 290 to 500 within the next 30 months. Specials, who have exactly the same powers, uniform and equipment as regular colleagues, can now opt to work with a number of our specialist teams such as Roads Policing, Economic Crime and Hate Crime Units. I want to ensure that we continue to lead the way and remain the envy of other forces."
A number of large organisations, including household names such as Sainsburys, John Lewis, KPMG, Dacorum and Broxbourne Borough Councils, are engaged in an Employer Support Scheme where they support their staff who become Specials by allowing a certain amount of additional paid leave for training and duties each year. 35 of the Constabulary's civilian support staff who are Specials also benefit from this initiative. These organisations appreciate that the comprehensive training provided by the police, as well as the skills which are developed by officers, are transferable to an individual's full-time occupation, make them a more valuable asset.
Potential recruits must be between 18 and 62 and be able to devote a minimum of 16 hours per month to their duties. Although unpaid, all expenses are reimbursed.
For further details, please contact Peter Mould at Watford Police Station on 01923 472576 or log on to