Better interaction on the cards
Monday, 28 July, 2008

PC Tracey Bowen-Quirk and PC Andy Charles with pupils from Deri View Primary School holding giant-sized examples of the \"Know your Bobby\" cards and an example of the complete collection
Abergavenny Neighbourhood Policing Team is about to become collectable! The officers are to appear on Top Trumps- style cards in a scheme to encourage young children to get to know their local police better.
In the "Know Your Bobby" scheme, ward police officers and police community support officers will carry the cards while on the beat to hand out to local children. Each of the 14 cards carries a photograph of an officer from the team, a personal safety message - covering topics such as staying safe online, stranger danger and road safety - and contact details for Gwent Police and Childline.
Abergavenny PC, Tracey Bowen-Quirk said, "This is a fun scheme which will encourage young children to speak informally to police officers and PCSOs.
Hopefully they will become more confident to ask questions and share any concerns they may have with us. The messages on the cards reinforce basic but very important steps they can take to make sure they stay safe, look after themselves and their property."
When children taking part in the scheme have completed their collection they will be entitled to a free voucher allowing them to attend an activity day where local sport and hobby clubs will be showcasing what they offer in the area. The purpose of the activity day is to encourage local school children to find constructive leisure activities over the summer holidays.
It is hoped that in the long term this scheme, believed to be the first of its kind in Wales, will be rolled out to other areas and will lead to a higher level of engagement with children in this age group and act as one of a range of early intervention tools to discourage any potential incidents of anti-social behaviour.