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Wireless Body Worn Video

CCTV has been in the headlines recently but other forms of visual technology are playing an increasingly active role for crime scene investigators.
European Antennas Ltd has designed a lightweight, directional antenna (model DHD-2.4V/1448) for integration within the Body Worn Video Wireless Solution, developed by Reveal Media and domo, providing 4 live video feeds and GPS data for the Police. This system was used successfully at Glastonbury Festival by Avon & Somerset Police foot patrol and mounted officers.
Modelling software predicts antenna specification and prototypes are tested at the company's on-site near anechoic test chamber to ensure specifications are met.
The system comprises of four shoulder-mounted cameras with integrated solid-state recorders, GPS receivers and encrypted digital transmitters. All four feeds can be viewed at the Police command compound and the officer's position is mapped onto Google Earth at the same time. The solution also includes both M3 incident management software and their CARMA archiving and evidence tool.
"It's like having an extra pair of eyes on the street commented Superintendent Adrian Coombs of Avon and Somerset Police"
The system directly downlinks the images and sounds to base helping to direct resources to maximum effect.
"Teams in the city centre have found them very useful and they have also been used to tackle anti-social behaviour, domestic violence and public order incidents" added Superintendent Adrian Coombs.
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