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Signs with Eyes

These signs have been proven to have a significant effect on crime rates involving cycles and motor vehicles, with reports of up to 80% reduction
in the number of thefts. They can also be used effectively in relation
to any ASB issues.
NSP are a leading supplier of Crime Reduction signs and have been supplying these signs to a wide variety of Police Forces, Local Authorities and educational establishments to combat crime.
They can be manufactured in a range of materials and with a range of fixing methods to suit any application. NSP supply a full range of signs, stickers and promotional goods to suit any campaign including the ‘Cut-out Cops!’, Neighbourhood Watch signs, SmartWater signs and many, many more.
Whatever the project we have a sign to suit;
Car Theft
Fly Tipping
Metal Theft
Farm Watch
Cycle Theft
Home Watch
ANPR Cameras
Security Marking
Allotment Watch
Personal Security
Alcohol Free Zones
No Cold Calling
• Please contact NSP on 0115 973 3323 or by email to or visit for further information and prices.