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Raising The Bar For Vehicle Mounted Cameras

Premier Hazard has launched the Dome camera that is integrated into a roof mounted light bar and a fixed camera for mounting inside a vehicle. Both bring distinct operating advantages, the choice enabling utilities and branches of the emergency and security services to specify and fit a system that meets their precise requirements.
The first fully functional camera to be integrated into a vehicle's roof mounted light bar, the Dome camera provides security and emergency services with high performance all around surveillance, with the added safety benefit of leaving the dash and windscreens uncluttered.
It is supplied with a 22:1 optical zoom lens, the output signal, being able to read and record a standard UK vehicle number plate from at least 100m in normal daylight. The Dome camera pans through 360o, can tilt between 12o below and 45o above the horizontal, is capable of operating in all levels of bright light above 1 Lux and can record in realistic, high definition colour - the camera automatically switches between colour and monochrome operation depending on prevailing light levels.
An in vehicle screen displays live images and all images, including video, can be recorded, including into a compact, removable hard drive that lends itself to being easily stowed in a vehicle, for example in the glove box, under a seat or within the boot/rear compartment.
Mounted in the middle of the light bar, the dome is shrouded to keep camera operations discreet. An integral fan/heater minimises condensation, with the unit being resistant to water ingress.
The fixed camera is precisely that. But that's not to say it lacks versatility.
This is the latest generation camera, compact, fixes neatly to the back of the rear view mirror and includes a 4in monitor that is incorporated in the mirror, a section of the mirror lens also doubling as the monitor screen - a feature unique to this equipment.
The camera has a 10x zoom and its field of vision can be varied by swivelling it on its bracket.
The same camera can be mounted to the rear screen, the picture being transmitted to the rear view mirror and available by simply switching 'channel'. Various camera specs are available. For example, operators requiring a fixed focal length camera, say to act as a simple vehicle reversing aid, can opt for a spec tailored to meet that requirement.
Stills or video can be readily downloaded off the hard drive onto compact flash card, on-board pc or separate laptop. By specifying an alternative to the existing micro DVR, operators can also transmit 'live' pictures and video to a remote location via 3G.
Premier Hazard's general manager Jeff Allen said: 'The launch of these camera systems effectively sets Premier Hazard as the 'one stop shop' for front line emergency and security services, with the combination of hazard warning, discrete surveillance (observe and record) and traffic monitoring, including ANPR, now available for the one bar - the Optimax. Alternatively, for those not requiring the performance otherwise provided by the light bar mounted Dome camera, there is the fixed system.'
'Certainly, that both camera systems meet the VOSA 'clean sweep' requirement and leave the dash uncluttered is a definite safety plus,' he closed.