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Knock, knock! Police. Open up

The traditional early morning arrival of the Boys in Blue is now re-enforced with a skilled Method of Entry procedure that employs a range of mechanical aids, including Makita power tools, to force an entry into all types of property.
Developed by the NPIA - National Police Improvement Agency - at Coventry, the Method of Entry skills include using a Makita DPC6430 petrol engine disc cutter and Nemesis diamond blade to slice through metal bars, security grills and complete entrance doors.
Makita impact drivers, impact wrenches, reciprocating saws and cordless grinders are also employed in a variety of techniques to gain entry quickly and quietly.
The NPIA is a central resource facility for British policing where technical and tactical operations are refined and rehearsed. Police forces and other agencies, come to Coventry from all over the UK for training at the specially built facility. Skills taught range from the correct use of the heavy door breaking rammer to the use of the Makita disc cutter. The Makita impact driver is used to remove the entire key barrel from a euro-lock to gain access through a front door into domestic property.
NPIA trainers at Coventry, who carry out these procedures, have attended bespoke training courses at Makita's specially designed facilities at the Milton Keynes HQ. Here a variety of courses are available for every level of ability and qualification.