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genisys keeps command vehicles under control

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) prides itself on using the very latest technology to ensure the safety of both the public and fire fighters in the event of an emergency. WYFRS' new state-of-the-art command unit takes full advantage of Carnation Designs' genisys system, providing strategic command and support to fire crews at major incidents. An array of sophisticated communication systems and onboard digital telemetry allows the command centre to be positioned at a safe distance from the scene, limiting the risk to fire officers while ensuring tactical control of the incident is maintained.
Nick Smith, Group Manager from the Operations Response Team at WYFRS explained: "The genisys system offers fully integrated, ancillary vehicle electronics in a single, programmable menu, allowing the driver to activate all the relevant equipment for travelling to the scene of an incident at the touch of a single '999' button." Fleet Manager Peter Coughlan agreed: "The fully programmable nature of the genisys system is ideally suited to the continuous development of our operating procedures. We can adapt it and reprogram as our needs change, which fits perfectly with our desire to keep abreast of the latest technologies. It certainly made sense to install genisys onto the command vehicle and we will be evaluating its potential for further use in the fleet."
To find out more about Carnation Designs' genisys systems, go to