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Suffolk Finish Fourth as Dog Trials hailed a success
Monday, 18 April, 2011
Suffolk dog handler, Nick Self, and police dog Lincoln finished 4th in this weekend's National Police Dog Trials. The National Trials, which were open to... Read more
Bury St Edmunds vehicle technician has half a century on the clock
Wednesday, 13 April, 2011
Suffolk Constabulary is saying a big thank you to its longest serving member of staff, vehicle technician Norman Robertson, who is still going strong after... Read more
Police officers in 100k charity trek
Wednesday, 13 April, 2011
TWO Lancashire Constabulary officers are preparing for a gruelling 100k walk to raise money for a Lancashire children's hospice. Sgt Dave Herbert and PCSO Stuart... Read more
British Transport Police has reduced senior ranks by 20% to help boost front line policing.
Friday, 08 April, 2011
Twenty one officers of Chief Inspector, Superintendent and Chief Superintendent rank have taken voluntary severance under a scheme designed to save £9m over the next... Read more
Cleveland Police Celebrate Prestigious National Award
Friday, 08 April, 2011
Cleveland Police have been recognised at a national level, scooping the Force of the Year Award at the prestigious Emergency Services Awards. The Force beat... Read more
Cleveland Police Shortlisted in Prestigious National Awards
Tuesday, 05 April, 2011
PSAEW Comment on Peter Neyroud's Review of Police Leadership and Training:
Tuesday, 05 April, 2011
Derek Barnett, President of the Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales, said: 'I welcome the publication of this long awaited Report and recognise the... Read more
Collaboration Sees Launch of Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit
Tuesday, 05 April, 2011
MBE presented to retiring director of resources
Monday, 04 April, 2011
Lancashire Constabulary's retiring director of resources has been presented with his MBE by HRH Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. David Brindle, who was awarded the... Read more
PCSO selected for England police football team
Friday, 01 April, 2011
A PENWORTHAM police community support officer (PCSO) has been selected to represent England in the police football team. Ben Barnes, 23, works as a PCSO... Read more
New director of resources joins Lancashire Constabulary
Friday, 01 April, 2011
LANCASHIRE Constabulary has appointed a new director of resources to oversee the force's finance, IT, estates and administration. Ian Cosh, 48, joined the force on... Read more
Police Federation comment on possible prison dispute action
Friday, 01 April, 2011
Paul Davis, Secretary of the Operational Policing Sub-Committee of the Police Federation of England and Wales, says: "The irony will not be lost on police... Read more
Three-Force Appointment of Joint Chief Officer
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011
As the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Strategic Policing Alliance continues to develop, the three police authorities have agreed to the appointment of a single Assistant... Read more
New body cameras for Chorley and South Ribble police
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011
POLICE in Chorley and South Ribble have received 68 new body cameras which will help to capture crime on film. Funded by the Chorley and... Read more
Outstanding Officers of Camden Borough Recognised
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011
Senior Management gather for Borough Commendations Forty Police officers from Camden Borough gathered at the Camden Town Hall Civil Chambers on Friday 25th March at... Read more
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