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"We Can Face Future With Confidence" says New Chief
Thursday, 20 October, 2011
Force continues to reduce crime across South Yorkshire
Thursday, 20 October, 2011
The last four years has seen crime cut by over a third in South Yorkshire and the latest figures show that trend continuing. Today the... Read more
School children target speeding motorists
Tuesday, 18 October, 2011
SCHOOL children from Ashton joined forces with the police to target speeding motorists this morning (Tuesday 18 October). Youngsters aged between eight and ten from... Read more
PCSO Commended by Chief Constable after confronting dangerous dog - Dartford, Kent
Tuesday, 18 October, 2011
A British Transport Police (BTP) Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) who rushed to help a member of the public being attacked by a dangerous dog... Read more
First SPL Matches In Scotland Held Without Policing Presence
Friday, 14 October, 2011
A Grampian Police pilot scheme which has seen Premier League matches go ahead without a police presence for the first time in Scotland has been... Read more
Deputy Chief Constable Awarded Queen's Police Medal
Thursday, 13 October, 2011
Today the Deputy Chief Constable of Grampian Police, John McNab, received the Queen's Police Medal from Her Majesty the Queen at Buckingham Palace following his... Read more
NPIA works with Kent Police to test new process for stop and search recording
Tuesday, 11 October, 2011
A new initiative to make stop and search recording more efficient could save the police service more than £1 million pounds a year in paper... Read more
Jan Berry to join cops board
Friday, 07 October, 2011
Jan Berry, former Chair of the Police Federation of England & Wales has been appointed a Trustee of Charity Care of Police Survivors. She joins... Read more
New MobileID device helps identify critically ill patient
Wednesday, 05 October, 2011
A new mobile fingerprinting device recently launched by the NPIA in partnership with forces has helped to identify an unconscious man in intensive care. The... Read more
Lewisham officers set record for swim around Isle of Wight
Wednesday, 05 October, 2011
Two MPS officers were among a team of six to recently set a record for swimming around the Isle of Wight. Becky Hedges and Rachael... Read more
Chief Constable confirms 30 years retirement plan
Monday, 03 October, 2011
The Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police, Julia Hodson, has informed Nottinghamshire Police Authority that she intends to retire on 1st September 2012, on completion of... Read more
NPIA Harrogate move
Monday, 03 October, 2011
As part of its wide-ranging estates review, the National Policing Improvement Agency has accepted in principle the need to move away from its Harrogate site... Read more
Tractor on patrol
Monday, 03 October, 2011
Dorset Police has unveiled its latest tool to tackle rural crime - a 3.5 tonne tractor. The tractor complete with flashing blue lights has been... Read more
National Cricket Final
Wednesday, 28 September, 2011
Derbyshire County Cricket Club, County Ground, Derby Wednesday 14th September 2011 Cheshire v Dyfed-Powys This was to be the 1st year since the Competition began... Read more
British Police CC 2011
Thursday, 22 September, 2011
Sponsored by G4S JUNE TOUR (THAMES VALLEY) Mark Davies (Capt) (Dyfed-Powys) Ray Doyle (Cheshire) Richard Grant (Dyfed-Powys) Jon Cumberbatch (Staffs) Graham Shaw (Cleveland) Greg Gillespie... Read more
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