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Facial recognition technology on trial
Thursday, 07 September, 2017
Paul Wiles, Biometrics Commissioner writes about the use of Facial Recognition Technology at the Notting Hill Carnival. This kind of biometric technology (Facial Recognition Technology) has... Read more
Teenager’s final wishes come true
Thursday, 07 September, 2017
A terminally ill teenager got to fulfil his dream of meeting his traffic cop heroes the day before he died, after his parents spotted the... Read more
'Paper Dolls Police Academy' Project
Thursday, 07 September, 2017
A Merseyside St Helens police officer has joined forces with colleagues and partners to launch the 'Paper Dolls Police Academy Project', to provide under-privileged children... Read more
New victim and witness rooms to improve court experience
Thursday, 07 September, 2017
Victims and witnesses will have their experience of going to court made easier through a number of initiatives including new waiting rooms. In many courts, traditionally... Read more
Statement from London Assembly Police and Crime Committee on Notting Hill Carnival
Tuesday, 29 August, 2017
Steve O’Connell AM, Chairman of the London Assembly Police and Crime Committee said: “On behalf of the Committee I’d like to applaud the London Notting Hill... Read more
Tuesday, 15 August, 2017
There’s a wealth of opportunities out there after leaving the Police force Just ask Gary Nicholls who completed a City & Guilds accredited locksmith training course... Read more
Cabinet Office, NATO, Europol and Global Cyber Alliance confirmed to speak at UK Security Expo 2017
Friday, 28 July, 2017
UK Security Expo announce launch of 2017 conference agenda with the addition of two new programmes covering Cyber Security and Counter Terror for FMs Following on... Read more
The physcholigical impact of gang violence
Tuesday, 18 July, 2017
Violent crime can lead to terrible physical injuries and death. But it also has a significant psychological impact, which is often forgotten. People injured through... Read more
Competition- Win a mini home makover from Police Mutual
Thursday, 06 July, 2017
Police Mutual are giving away a day's design consultancy and £3,500 towards the recommended products and tradespeople. Terms and conditions apply. Click here to enter Read more
University teams up with Beds Police to get officers back on the beat
Wednesday, 05 July, 2017
The University of Bedfordshire and Bedfordshire Police have joined forces to get officers back on the beat faster following illness or injury. Bedfordshire Police and... Read more
USA and UK police-to-police agreement to improve information sharing
Wednesday, 05 July, 2017
An agreement’s been signed between police in the USA and the UK that will make it easier for both countries to share criminal records information... Read more
200 miles for charity
Tuesday, 04 July, 2017
In a ride of a life time four police officers and a control room operator embarked on a two ton bike ride on Saturday 20... Read more
Police education funding
Tuesday, 27 June, 2017
A scheme which gave dozens of officers and police staff across England and Wales financial support towards their education is set to re-open for applications... Read more
Charity Cup final
Tuesday, 27 June, 2017
Two charities are set to benefit from a football cup final, which saw Nottinghamshire Police take on Police Scotland. The national police finals game, which took... Read more
New police memorial
Tuesday, 27 June, 2017
The College of Policing is backing a new campaign which was launched on May 17th to help raise funds to build a new UK Police... Read more
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