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Wednesday, 11 June, 2008
This August, PC Steve Haywood, a uniform trainer from West Midlands Police, will be attempting to become the first athlete to complete a Deca Ironman... Read more
Police Federation's statement on Police pay decision.
Tuesday, 10 June, 2008
Statement by the Police Federation of England and Wales and Staff Side of Police Negotiating Board on the Judicial Review decision on police pay. Paul... Read more
Police celebrate North Manchester's diverse communities
Friday, 06 June, 2008
North Manchester Police this week (Wednesday 4 June) hosted a Faith Day to celebrate the diverse communities in the area. It was held at the... Read more
Looking to the future at ACPO APA 2008
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
The International Policing Exhibition takes place in Liverpool this month - and is a must attend for police of all ranks. Running alongside the ACPO... Read more
Text messaging service launched
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
A text messaging service to enable people who are deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech impaired to contact Hertfordshire Constabulary was been launched during... Read more
Safe scheme launched by GMP
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
Greater Manchester Police is helping to launch a new scheme that aims to help children if they get lost or feel unsafe. The 'safer strangers,... Read more
Grand designs help stamp out crime
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
Two Police Officers in Bradford District are helping reduce the opportunities for crime. PC Paul Corah and PC Dan Messenger are Architectural Liaison Officers (ALOs)... Read more
Draft papers propose greater protection
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
New proposals to give greater protection to victims and witnesses in court are amongst those set out in the Ministry of Justice's contribution to the... Read more
Time for Tea
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
Police officers in the Essex town of Laindon hit upon a winning formula when they started serving tea, coffee and biscuits at beat surgeries for... Read more
Health survey results 'shocking'
Tuesday, 03 June, 2008
Serious ill-health issues identified The Police Superintendents' Association of England and Wales has joined calls for improvements to be made to the work-life balance of... Read more
Super New Police Station in Kent
Thursday, 29 May, 2008
Children's charity receives a boost!
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008
NPIA Chief Executive Peter Neyroud presented his chosen charity with a large donation, to support children whose lives have been affected by crime. The charity,... Read more
Kickz launched in Merton
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008
Young people in East Mitcham, are the latest to benefit from the highly successful 'Kickz' football programme. Thanks to a multi-million pound investment from The... Read more
Assertive new action on London transport safety
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008
Safety and security on London's transport system was at the forefront of a new initiative launched in May by the Mayor, Boris Johnson, Met Commissioner,... Read more
ACPO response to tackling gangs
Wednesday, 28 May, 2008
Former Head of the Tackling Gangs Action Programme and ACPO national coordinator for serious and organised crime Jon Murphy said: "ACPO welcomes the Home Secretary's... Read more
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