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'OGC' Experiences a 32% Increase In People Enquiring To Buy American Property which goes some way to qualifying reports that U.S Property purchases by International Buyers have increased to $16 billion this year alone

Kim Brown, Director of
'The Overseas Guides Company' has seen a dramatic increase in people enquiring to buy overseas property throughout the last quarter with enquiries up a staggering 56% on the previous quarter.
Kim Brown Director of said, "This sizeable increase in enquiries comes despite the continued austerity measures throughout a large proportion of the world, but perhaps even more surprisingly, it was America, who continue to fight off their national debt deficit, that we have seen record enquiries on. American enquiry figures in isolation actually reveal a 32% increase in interest, quarter on quarter."
OGC research revealed that the drop in US house prices has undoubtedly stimulated overseas buyer's interest. Recently, The Independent newspaper declared that an American home now costs on average 33% less than it did at its peak of 2007, however this is just an average and some pockets of the US housing market have seen even steeper decreases to their property values.
Kim continues, "Enquiries on this level are obviously welcomed but it also reinforces the fact that a lot of people have literally 'sat' on their savings throughout the last 3 years or so and are now looking to take advantage of this struggling market. America offers potential investor's good quality housing, with impressive square footage at a time when rental markets are over achieving. Add to this the favourable exchange rate between the Dollar and Sterling and the USA's mighty pull in terms of tourists each year and suddenly the attraction becomes clear. Therefore it comes as no shock to learn that US property purchases by international buyers have increased to $16 Billion this year alone."
For peace of mind when buying property in America contact comprehensive guide to buying in America offers a wealth of information and they are available to talk to potential investors on the telephone.
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