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British Police CC 40th Anniversary Dinner Thursday 18th July 2013

Angela Morgan and Don Speakman of C.O.P.S

What an occasion on a lovely July evening! What an effort from the secretary David Fraser-Darling! What a venue, a marquee at Derbyshire County Cricket Club providing a fitting backdrop!
It was truly a delight that nearly all the available members of the very first BP XI from 1973 had been duly traced contacted and attended – that gave the opportunity for an immediate Vice Presidents tie presentation, so we now have a full 1973 compliment of VP’s.
Other VP nominees also received their ties. We can’t go through the whole guest list, but there were past captains, players and officials at every turn, mixed with supporters, sponsors and some of our opponents over the years. A picture board with photographs from 4 decades of BP cricket decorated one wall, prompting much debate.
The prizes for the raffle, prize-draw, silent and not so silent auctions were tremendous and showed what respect, influence and threat our secretary carries!
When play was called the scheduled MC for the evening the BP chairman, Marcus Beale, was delayed, committed in the West Midlands, following terrorist arrests. An early appeal went up and it was answered in the affirmative by the umpire! They say it’s usual for good umpires to remain anonymous, that the best officials are seldom noticed. Thankfully on this occasion Ray Knowles was noticed and what an outstanding job he did at such short notice, linking the dinner, with all its component parts and introducing the two guest speakers.
Those speakers were Howard Webb OBE World Cup and Champions League Final soccer referee, still a serving police officer and Robert Croft, probably the best Welsh cricketer ever, an outstanding player who represented England.
They were very different in delivery but both provided fabulous entertainment to the captivated audience
The inspired idea of an all-inclusive ticket led to a liberal sprinkling of nectar the forerunner of many a story of runs, wickets and decade comparisons.
As stumps were drawn, a spontaneous and well deserved standing ovation was given to David Fraser-Darling. His incredible commitment and attention to detail for this event over the last couple of years led to a truly memorable occasion. David’s hard work and that of his management team and all those making contributions ensuring that the BPCC nominated charity COPS will benefit to the tune of several thousand pounds.
Peter Mitchell (Scorer/Statistician)
On Wednesday 4th September the National Knockout Final took place at Derbyshire CCC between Dyfed-Powys and Nottinghamshire.
Following the post match dinner the Secretary David Fraser-Darling presented a cheque for the sum of £4224.62 to C.O.P.S.
The cheque was accepted by Angela Morgan and Don Speakman who both had been guests at the Anniversary Dinner in July.
On behalf of BPCC I would like to thank all those businesses and individuals who rallied to the cause by making many generous donations. Without your support this Event would never have been as successful as it turned out.
I hope this money will help to make a difference to those loved ones left behind.
News item submitted by David Fraser-Darling (Hon. Sec BPCC)